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  • Paul Good

Am I a DIY, DDIY, or WDIY?

House renovations, art projects, and complex recipes. The internet is teeming with tutorials on how to be the master of your life in every facet! For us DIYers, there’s more than enough to get us where we need to be on most projects if we want. But the number of skills to acquire is at times overwhelming, and this is why the professional was birthed in the first place. Just like it is important to see your personal doctor instead of quickly glancing at WebMD, there are some instances where there is a benefit to hiring a professional over doing it all yourself. Take a look at the following considerations to find out if you are a Do it Yourself-er, a Don't Do it Yourself-er, or a Want to Do it Yourself-er.

Money vs Time

Sometimes a DIY person takes on a project for the artistic process and journey. However, a lot of the time, they are looking to save money in some fashion. You should consider, however, how much your personal time is worth? Would you rather use your time for something else, and pay a professional to do it right and quickly? If you pay them for their masterful skills and experience you get the result you want right away and save yourself some time and possible headache.

Being a very particular person

Having artistic vision can leave you in a tough spot wondering if your plans will ever come to fruition. Your ideas of grandeur may be blocked behind a skillset or ability you lack. You might have a space or equipment constraint. Perhaps you have a bit of an issue with control and you have a little nagging feeling that everything needs to go your way. Just because you may feel that relinquishing some of that artistic license to a professional is a defeat, perhaps you are not giving professionals enough credit. Especially in the art space, why can't one artistic mind inspire another? Perhaps your vision and their expertise will create a masterpiece better than you had imagined.

Interest and motivation

Will your interest in learning and performing this skill diminish over time? Will this become another project that gets put on the back-burner? Are you easily overwhelmed with a complex task in an entirely new field? Do you have the patience to learn and grow through the process and the time to spend on learning, getting the right tools, and maybe a bit of trial and error?

In the end, many of us are WDIY-ers, because we like a challenge and an opportunity to be creative. But we are all very busy, and therefore, if we want the procrastination to end and to see a result immediately, a pro is the way to go!

Have a photo restoration project you would like a pro to tackle for you? Click here to get started!

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